Symposium 'Training Needs for Urban Resilience in India', December 3rd - 4th, 2019

Questions of resilience have become paramount in discourse around urban development over the past few years. There are many unpredictable factors that can adversely affect an urban system in dramatic ways. As architects and urban planners it becomes imperative for us to develop systems, both tangible and non-tangible to be able to address these, so that the impact of such an event be mitigated as best as it can.

The BReUCom Project hopes to be able to develop pedagogical frameworks and courses that can be introduced in colleges of architecture and planning for students as well as professionals interested in questions of resilience through engagement in multidisciplinary conversations. 

The symposium aims to engage in these very conversations through lectures on the theme of Resilience, by academicians. The symposium will also act as a platform to discuss case studies by various institutional partners, which become the basis for the development of Courseware and Professional Development Programmes.


The lecture of Amita Bhide focused on the marginalisation of poor and vulnerable communities spatially, to the peripheries of the city. These peripheries are also the most ecologically vulnerable areas of the city, being subjected to apathy and neglect by the state in the process of development. This intersection of marginalised communities and ecologically vulnerable areas creates a plethora of urban issues that require careful understanding and innovative ways of tackling these issues.

Following the lecture by Amita Bhide, the site visit to Bhim Nagar in M (East) Ward, enabled the participants to observe first-hand, the various inadequacies in basic services and quality of life, faced by marginalised communities inhabiting ecologically vulnerable peripheries. Interaction with locals also supported an understanding of the various coping mechanisms adopted by the communities to continue living in such harsh conditions.


Event photo gallery (click here)

Some keynote inputs of the Symposium are available in form of videos here:

Last modified: Monday, 17 April 2023, 9:03 AM