Urban Dynamics and Climate Resilience
Course Name: Urban Dynamics and Climate Resilience
OCW type: PDP
Higher Education Institution: School of Planning and Architecture (SPAV), Vijayawada
Description of course
Aim: The PDP is envisioned to bringing together a select combination of eminent experts representing the leading think-tanks of planning academia and practice, who shall share some of their application-oriented professional and research works. This shall enable participants to understand some of the state-of-the-art tools and techniques that stand chances of replication in planning and administration of cities, in order to address the challenges of Climate Change in a systematic manner.
Urban dynamics through system-based modelling, use of geo-informatics, and statistical and computing tools to address direct spatial planning concerns related to climate change shall be discussed over four sub-themes covering – Energy, Heat Stress, Flooding, Local Climate Change and Emerging Techniques.
Course Objectives:
The main objective of the six day online ‘Professional Development Programme (PDP)’ was to update and develop capacities of professionals and researchers working in the field of urban planning, climate resilience and environmental management. The programme also aimed to bring together a selected combination of eminent experts representing the leading think-tanks of planning academia and practice, who shared some of their application-oriented professional and research works.
Learning outcomes:
The participants can expect a stimulating, intellectual and enriching technical experience aimed at augmenting their skills and capacities on Heat Stress, Flooding, Local Climate Change, Energy, and Emerging Techniques.
Course Structure
Course Duration: Six-Day programs, with two sessions per day
Course Frequency: Yearly and as per the demand
Course Format: Course format includes Lectures, Workshops, Lab and Short-term Project
Course Content
Prerequisites for participation: Architects, Urban Planners, Civil Engineers, Energy Analysts are eligible.
Course Syllabus:
1. Climate Change and Planning- Overview
2. Flooding and Cities
3. Heat, Emissions and Co-Benefits
4. System Dynamics, Energy and Cities
5. Emerging Techniques and Tools
6. Transport and Climate Change
Course Assignments: Reading published resources on climate change and Hands on Short Project.
Expected time spent on course:
Time spent in hours: Minimum of 40 hours
Time spent in ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System): No Credit
Course Evaluation
Evaluation Procedure & Criteria: Predesigned feedback forms from the participants shall be evaluated.
Faculty Evaluation: Interaction during the presentation by the mentors.
Student Evaluation: Predesigned feedback forms from the participants shall be evaluated.