BReUCom Courses & PDPs portal
Higher education of urban planners, designers and related professionals in India needs to provide adequate knowledge and skills for the pursuit of approaches of urban resilience. Currently, this is hardly the case in the Indian sphere of higher education in planning and design disciplines. Consortium partners’ previous studies clearly showed that topics of urban inequity, poor housing conditions and possible remedies thereof hardly play a role in the formation of future planners and architects despite the prevalence of stressful, unhealthy and cramped living and housing conditions in many Indian cities.
This situation will be exacerbated by impacts of climate change which are expected to tighten deficits in urban infrastructure provision and inequalities in quality of life throughout big cities. Thus, the need for adjustment in Indian higher education with regards to urban resilience is becoming prevalent.
The pool of teaching materials provided by BReUCom case studies is used for the production of extensive course descriptions following MIT’s OpenCourseWare model. Thus, syllabi of courses related to urban resilience, which contain up to date and locally relevant knowledge evolve and serve for implementation in courses at the partner institutions. Each of these descriptions contains the same structural elements (course summary, syllabus, calendar, readings, lecture notes, assignments) and therefore renders a clear cut picture of each course in a standardized manner. They can serve as a model for implementation of similar courses in Higher Education Institutions around the globe.
Professional Development Programs (PDPs)
Urban professionals from different backgrounds and different previous educational attainments display differing needs for in depth knowledge, specialization and training in the sphere of urban resilience to climate change. Professional Development Programs for these groups are therefore developed within the framework of BReUCom.
The concept of lifelong and extra occupational learning is relatively new in India. It needs to be conditioned and formatted for Indian professionals in the context of urban resilience studies via the development and pilot implementation of PDPs.
Syllabi of these Professional Development Programs related to urban resilience, which contain up to date and locally relevant knowledge are documented in extensive descriptions following MIT’s OpenCourseWare model. Each of these descriptions contains the same structural elements (summary, syllabus, readings, lecture notes, assignments) and therefore renders a clear cut picture of each program in a standardized manner. They can serve as a model for implementation of similar programs around the globe.
All PDPs run bei BReUCom partner institutions are announced on a dedicated portal and personalized training schemes (comprising of different PDP modules) can be conceived for each participant by the project team in an individual assessment process.
The Centre of Resilience Learning (CoReL) has been set up with the aim of disseminating knowledge on global resilience practices. The programmes offered under CoReL have been derived from the research undertaken as part of the BReUCom project, with collaborations between 4 Indian Institutes of Higher Learning, 2 European Institutes of Higher Learning and 2 Indian NGO partners. Programmes under CoReL deal with various aspects of urban resilience, and provide the participants with an in-depth understanding of the various factors that enable resilience in our cities.
For more information visit or beginning with February 1st, 2022 under following link:
Our courses and Professional Development Programs: