3rd Advisory Board Meeting

  • Advisory board for BReUCom project is a group of eminent personalities of India working in the field of resilience, architecture and socio-economic area.

  • Annual Advisory Board Meeting for the year 2021 held through online mode on June 12, 2021 coordinated by NITH. The aim of this meet was to improvise the contents, methodology and level of reach of PDPs to be conducted by various partner institutes based upon the analysis of implemented PDPs (12.no.).

  • Out of 10 members, 06 members attended the meet for discussion on project progress and future course of action.

  • Discussion also held on the audience’s feedback and continuation of professional development courses (PDP).

  • The meet also intended to discuss the sustainability of Professional Development Courses (PDP) and introduction of online Academic courses.

  • In total 04 number of Professional Development Courses (PDPs) implemented by each partner institute were discussed in detail on various areas like onsite implemented courses, Heat stress, Traditional wisdom and Peri-urban communities.

  • The Institute partners discussed in brief the upcoming final conference in Sept. 2021 under the umbrella of community resilience and shared the website platform and Newsletters for dissemination.

  • This meet provided not only the insight of various issues but also widened the overall extent of the BReUCom project for community resilience.


Last modified: Friday, 21 January 2022, 3:53 PM